Comics I Don’t Understand – This site is now being updated daily at Please change your bookmark if necessary, and notify any web site with a link to the old address.

October 26, 2007


It took Trudeau a full week to lead up to the chad joke!

October 18, 2007

Nobel Chad Prize

Nicole: This is getting too easy — here are two more

Click more to see them, plus one sent by Autumn Harvest — though for all practical purposes, they’re all the same comic.

So, here’s the question: When these cartoonists draw the Supreme Court taking away Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize, do they somehow believe they’re being stunningly clever and original, or do they just consider it obligatory to churn out their own version? (more…)

October 15, 2007

Give Chad a Chance

Nicole sent this incredibly inevitable ChadWatch entry

Followed by these two, from Canadian newspapers, sent by Christian Schumann-Curtis (one of which is a CIDU as well): (more…)

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