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August 30, 2007

Getting Soaked


I wonder whether cartoonists Terry and Patty LaBan know that this isn’t a joke: We’ve been to at least one amusement park — I’m not naming names — where they did this exact thing.

Though to be fair they did offer you the opportunity to buy a thin rain slicker before the ride, for less than a set of dry clothing would cost you afterward

Not Quite Arlo

Christian Schumann-Curtis: So does this mean that this one made it past the censors? Are the round things in the painting anatomically correct abstract boobs? Is there an abstract vagina in there somewhere? Or am I simply a pervert (though I suppose those questions aren’t mutually exclusive)?

What In The World…?

Filed under: Bill Bickel, CIDU, comic strips, comics, Earth, global warming, humor — Cidu Bill @ 12:39 am


Have we driven Planet Earth to drink, or is this a global warming reference? I’m inclined to think the latter, since one of the reported results of global warming is the loss of polar icecaps.

But the more interesting question is this:

Earlier this week, referring to a few days of unusually cool weather, a radio newsman said “So much for global warming, huh?” Which once again made me wonder: When people say this sort of thing, are they really so astoundingly stupid that they think “global warming” means that everybody’s weather, every day, is getting warmer across the board? Are they making a joke hoping everybody else is astoundingly stupid? Is this simply their way of mocking the concept of global warming (while not realizing that they’re doing it in such a way that they’ll sound astoundingly stupid)? Or is there another option I haven’t considered?

Windows 1875

Filed under: Bill Bickel, CIDU, comic strips, comics, humor, Microsoft Windows, stagecoach, Strange Brew — Cidu Bill @ 12:02 am


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