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September 15, 2007

Seriously, I’m thinking about starting a separate Poop Page…

Filed under: 9 Chickweed Lane, Bill Bickel, cell phones, comic strips, comics, humor, poop — Cidu Bill @ 2:32 pm



  1. Sigh…

    I guess I’m the only one who follows 9CL on a regular basis, and since this is the second 9CL strip I’ve seen here in the past month, I thought I’d explain the current plotline. Here goes…

    The old farmer looking guy, Thorax, has a quantum anomaly in his tractor shed with which he travels around the universe meeting all sorts of extra-terrestrial life (or at least that is what we are led to believe).  In his travels, he has encountered God, strangely enough named “Monty.” Who this God/Monty character is, in actuality, is unknown, but  he/she/it could possibly be the character from the comic strip of the same name.  Would explain a lot… but I digress…

    The younger looking fellow is Francis.  He is a former priest.  While in the priesthood, he fell in love with a nun named Diane.  They both forsook their religious callings for each other.  Now, just as Francis was about to propose to Diane, he noticed a tabloid headline apparently extolling the word of “Monty.”  Francis took this as a sign and went to seek out “Deep Orifice,” the person leaking the stories from “Monty.”  This, of course, turns out to be Thorax.  Confused yet?  Just wait.

    Thorax explains to Francis that “Monty” is pretty fed up with the human race and has decided that it’s time to end the experiment.  To prevent this, Francis decides to return to the priesthood to help people return to “Monty.”

    Meanwhile, since Francis ran off in a hurry just as he was about to pop the question, Diane was, understandably, a little concerned.  She calls him up just as he makes his pronouncement that he intends to return to the priesthood.  Francis answers and begins to explain his decision, but before he can, Thorax grabs Francis’s cell phone and swallows it, telling Francis that he shouldn’t make a mistake like that with Diane.  That brings us to today.  Whew!  And I thought “War and Peace” was complicated!

    As for today’s strip, Thorax may just be removing his overalls to reach into his stomach from the outside (his powers and abilities are never clearly defined), but having read this strip for several years, I personally think Brooke McEldowney is going for the poop joke.

    Comment by Chris — September 16, 2007 @ 10:53 pm

  2. Who said anything about not understanding the storyline? The references were to Thorax’s deep orifice (and it was clear from the angle of the drawing which orifice was being referred to) and how he was going to retrieve the cell phone (from his deep orifice). Ewww Files, not CIDUs.

    Comment by Cidu Bill — September 16, 2007 @ 11:38 pm

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